Tuesday 22 July 2008

pale moon

part of a double spread I started.

I just wanted to play with collaging and paint. I quite like the moon. On the other half there is a tree and bird cage but they still need a lil bit of work. I'll put it up when i'm done faffing with it!

I'm trying not to get hung up on having a style. when I do that i tend to panic that i havent got one and cant create anything i'm pleased with, so I am trying just to make what I want and find a pattern later. my craft is more important at the moment.


Mona said...

This is lovely.

Brian said...

Hi Evelyn. I like this illustration. It reminds me of the the illustrations in "le petit prince", for both thematic and stylistic reasons.

Re your inquiry on my blog "Brief Poems": Yes, feel free to use any of written work as long as appropriately credited for it. Thanks you for stopping by and reading.